Diabetic Feet

The term diabetic indicates that the condition is one that is related to blood sugar levels in the body. Some diabetics have great problems with their feet. Like all things diabetic, your feet need to be taken care of. Being diabetic, regardless of the type, does not give you reason to think that your feet are not going to be cared for by you. In fact, it is my belief that diabetics need to care for their feet even more than the average person.

Foot Care for Diabetics

The term diabetic indicates that the condition is one that is related to blood sugar levels in the body. Some diabetics have great problems with their feet. Like all things diabetic, your feet need to be taken care of. Being diabetic, regardless of the type, does not give you reason to think that your feet are not going to be cared for by you. In fact, it is my belief that diabetics need to care for their feet even more than the average person.

Importance of Finding a Specialist

Locating a decent podiatrist should be on the top of your “to-do” list if you have feet and you have diabetes. The complex of nerves, vessels, and special tissues collected in your feet alone is a major medical mystery. How many tiny bones? How many miles of blood vessels run through your foot? How many nerve endings? Don’t think I can answer that and I have a very intimate knowledge of feet.

Choosing the Right Podiatrist

I have seen very few really good podiatrists but they are out there. If you ask your primary care physician to recommend one, be careful. The podiatrist you need to see should be a diabetic foot specialist. Many podiatrists can clip toenails and perform minor procedures. You may be lucky and stumble on a very qualified podiatrist. Trust me-you do not need to take this or any medical condition to someone off the street; you need to see an expert.

Following the Foot Care Regimen

This expert will look at your feet, participate in designing a foot care regimen-especially fitted to you. And you need to follow the regimen this expert puts you on! Every day. For the rest of your life. There are several of them out there and one of them is supposed to be within driving distance of your home. If this expert puts you on an antibiotic regimen-you need to follow it. Take every pill. Every Day. For the entire time the podiatrist says you need to take them. If this expert puts you on a filing-and-trimming-the-nails-every-ten-day-regimen, you need to follow this. Every ten (10) days. For the rest of your life.

Diabetic Foot Care Services

When you are a person that is diabetic it can affect how your foot is. It’s always good to get proper care which is your diabetes foot care. We offer a complete diabetic foot care service, to help avoid issues and help you maintain good foot health.

Understanding Diabetic Foot Complications

The nerves and blood vessels in the feet of people with diabetes undergo circulation impairment and nerve damage (neuropathy), which may lead to wounds and ulcers that do not naturally heal. Our podiatrists conduct extensive examinations for early detection of foot complications and develop individual treatment programs that incorporate ongoing diabetes foot checks, wound care, and customized orthotics to relieve pressure. Their sores and ulcers on their feet take a long time to heal because the nerves and blood vessels are damaged.

Preventive Care for Diabetic Foot Health

Putting prevention into practice, we emphasize the importance of preventive care, which includes teaching patients proper foot health and hygiene, selection of proper footwear, and the need for daily self-foot examination. Following these recommendations can help patients with diabetes reduce the possibility of complications being critical.

Our Commitment to Your Foot Health

We at Doveston Health are dedicated to serving you and providing expert, tender, and timely care to prevent unnecessary foot issues and increase mobility to help keep you active.