Achilles Tendonitis

Pain in the back of the heel and ankle caused by swollen or injured Achilles tendon One of the most common causes of posterior heel pain is Achilles tendonitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and is one of the largest tendons in the body.

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment

The condition is most often seen in athletes who have suddenly increased the intensity or the length of their workouts after a period of inactivity. The condition also affects, although less frequently, patients who have experienced a recent illness or suffer from diseases that attack tendon tissue.

Many times, patients suffer from more than one condition simultaneously with Achilles tendonitis. Here at Doveston Health, we are very experienced in treating this painful condition to get you back doing what you love as quickly as possible, relatively pain free and with improved function.

Our method of treating your Achilles Tendonitis is comprised of, in this order, accurately diagnosing your condition, immobilising and resting the affected tendon by using a spica cast or by wearing a Dupuytren-type splint, placing a cold tube on the inflamed, swelling area(s), instructing you to perform exercises to strengthen your calf muscles and to minimise the amount of tension in your Achilles tendon and, lastly, if necessary, these actions will be accompanied by the application of custom orthotics to shift your foot out of malalignment and into the optimum position to relieve stress on the tendon.

If your tendinitis is more severe, we may also recommend physical therapy. Additional treatments for severe tendinitis may include ultrasound therapy or shockwave therapy which reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing of the tendon. Our physicians take pride in offering personalised care plans to meet the unique needs of each of our patients.

We are committed to our clients and want to provide the highest level of care. By receiving both immediate pain relief and discounted programs to make future lives less of an issue due to the previous strain, we can ensure the patient that they will receive the most out of the care they will be getting.