Comprehensive Spirometry Services in Morayfield, QLD

Doveston Health offers expert spirometry services, vital for occupational respiratory evaluation programs in Morayfield, QLD. Serving as a cornerstone in the prevention of workplace-related lung diseases, our spirometry tests are crucial for screening and clinical assessments.


Spirometry, the most frequently performed pulmonary function test (PFT), is the cornerstone of occupational respiratory evaluation programs. In the occupational health setting, spirometry plays a critical role in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of workplace-related lung disease.

Used for both screening and clinical evaluations, spirometry tests are performed in a variety of venues. Spirometry differs from many other medical measurements since it depends on multiple factors for its results to be valid (subject effort is flawed, equipment is not accurate or technicians fail to elicit maximal cooperation and effort), results can be falsely elevated or reduced.

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