Exercise Physiologist & Director

Ben Doveston

Ben Doveston is a director of Doveston Health and exercise physiologist passionate about helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. He specializes in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, particularly for back pain and hip and pelvic dysfunction.

More about Ben

Why did I become an Exercise Physiologist?
I became an exercise physiologist because I always I've always played sports and been interested in improving and optimising my own health and fitness. As I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my career I had a huge passion for helping other people to achieve their own health and fitness goals and had a drive to empower others to be active.
Since the age of 5 I have always played sports starting with soccer playing until I was 13 and then transitioned to Rugby Union and Rugby League.

I am passionate about all things sport and gym related.

I enjoy all forms of training, whether it be boxing, Crossfit or F45, I’m always down for a good session. With regards to my company Doveston Health, I am passionate about improving the access that the community has to great healthcare and I am striving to achieve this in not only the Moreton Bay Region but the whole of South East Queensland and eventually expand nationally.

I have a strong passion for business and creating the best possible clinic I can for not only my patients but also my excellent staff.
My favourite treatment is in the form of musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In particular assisting patients with Back Pain, as well as hip and pelvic dysfunction.
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