NDIS Reports
A NDIS progress report is essentially a ‘check-in’ to measure change across time while we are working towards a goal with a client. The report helps to ensure that the therapies or supports being provided are effectively addressing the client’s goals.
Why are NDIS Progress Reports Used?
Progress reports are important for two main reasons:
- They ensure that the participant, support coordinator and Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist are on track to achieve the outcomes that were identified in the initial assessment.
- They identify areas where gains have been made, or where improvement is still required, providing an opportunity to tailor or tweak the treatment plan if needed. When undertaking a progress report, the client will sometimes be required to attempt the goal activity (such as walking a certain distance). In other cases, it may only be appropriate to undertake a portion of the end-goal activity.
Our NDIS Reporting Services
Total Health Physio can provide both Physio & OT related reports. There is often significant overlap between the recommendations of a Physiotherapist and the recommendations of an Occupational Therapist.
An Occupational Therapist will be involved in any assistive technology requirements and may make recommendations for items such as wheelchairs or specialised cutlery. A Physiotherapist, on the other hand, may often prescribe items such as a TENS machine to reduce pain, a compression stocking to reduce swelling or a gait aid to assist with movement.
We Create Evidence-Based Recommendations for NDIS Plans
Our recommendation can be anything that is relevant to helping the participant to achieve their identified goals. In many cases, they will relate to assistive technology. For example, someone may need a new ROHO cushion for their wheelchair or need a commode put into the bathroom. Recent recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic have included computers or tablet devices to ensure our clients can access Telehealth for the services they need.
When Does Someone Require an NDIS Progress Report?
Progress reports are suitable for any of our existing NDIS participants. For example, if our Occupational Therapists saw a client six months ago then they would be due for a progress report. The progress report would address questions such as:
- Is the existing intervention still helpful?
- Is the client still using their assistive technology correctly?
- Are there additional modifications required?
For new clients, we undertake a comprehensive initial assessment to gain an understanding of the person, their needs, and how we can assist them.
How Often Are NDIS Progress Reports Required?
This varies significantly for each client. We always undertake a comprehensive initial assessment and follow up assessments may be indicated at three-monthly or six-monthly intervals.
Our standard procedure includes a follow-up appointment whenever any assistive equipment has been prescribed. This ensures that equipment is being used safely and effectively, maximising the opportunity for clients to improve their function, mobility and strength.
We primarily work with adults who are living with a disability. We work with NDIS participants on all different plan types. We accept clients who are Plan Managed, and Self Managed.
What is actually included in an NDIS progress report?
When a client is doing weekly or fortnightly sessions with us we provide regular reports to the support coordinator. These reports would include:
- The participant’s history
- Current level of function
- Details of what therapy has been provided
- Recommendations
- An outline of the client’s home exercise program
- Whether or not any goals have been met
- Any challenges or issues that have been identified
- Wellbeing considerations
All associated medical practitioners and carers receive the report in order to ensure the best multidisciplinary approach is achieved for the client.
We ensure that our reports are very detailed and specific, while also being easy to understand.
How is progress measured and listed in the report?
We revisit the outcome measures that are established in the initial assessment.
This gives us a clear understanding of the progress that has been madeFor example, a client may come to us with a goal to swim 500 metres. Their initial assessment may indicate that they can currently swim 200 metres.
When we revisit this for a progress report, they may be able to swim 400 metres. This would indicate that, while they haven’t met their end goal yet, they are making significant progress and the work being undertaken is effective.
How does this work coincide with Support Coordinators or the NDIS?
Progress reports help us to identify any changes in the client’s needs with regard to modifications or assistive technology. In these cases, our recommendations go to the support coordinator.
The support coordinator can then approve lower-cost items (once costing has been outlined). Such items may include a walking stick, a steering wheel device for easier driving, specialised cutlery or a TENS machine for reducing pain
With higher cost items NDIS approval needs to be specifically sought. A more detailed report is required, outlining all of the relevant considerations and how the item would be assistive for the participant. Higher cost items may include a new electric scooter, a customized wheelchair or a new bed.