Where can Doveston Health NDIS Services take place?
These services primarily take place at the participant’s residence to address home independence, however, when we establish goals relating to participating in activities outside their residence, we may support the patient and do functional assessments in the community.
NDIS services can take place in:
- Private residences
- Aged care facilities
- In the public
- Specialist Disability Accommodation
- Supported Independent Living arrangements
- Retirement villages
- Transitional care facilities
Step 1 - Enquiry
If the participant is self-funded, they can contact us directly via email, phone, or through our website to organize an appointment. If the participant is agency-funded, they can contact their support coordinator and suggest Doveston Health as their preferred provider, so the support coordinator can contact us directly.
If the participant is self-funded, prior to the initial assessment, we may perform a pre-home visit risk assessment over the phone.
We will then organize a suitable day and time to meet the participant and complete a detailed initial assessment.
Step 2 – Initial Assessment
At the initial assessment, we will set goals and provide our patients with a participant handbook. This handbook outlines our policies, procedures, how we operate, and our values, along with patient rights, and how we can work together to achieve goals and best outcomes.
Every patient that we see, we believe that we can make a difference to their quality of life and well-being. Our passionate staff are dedicated to helping individuals with a disability set realistic goals and adopting a holistic team-oriented approach to patient care in order to achieve these goals.
We will submit all necessary documentation to the NDIS, NDIA, Support Coordinator, and Plan Manager (if required). We will produce a formalized NDIS service agreement with the participant that needs to be signed by both parties.
Step 3 – NDIS Plan & Service Scope
We work on improving the areas highlighted in our initial assessment. This is usually regular one-to-one Allied Health sessions with our Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Podiatrists, Dietitian, and Diabetes Educator.
We also provide exercise handouts to our patients to complete in their own time. These may be performed individually or with a carer, friend, or family member.
Step 4 – Exiting Services / Ongoing Support
In the event the participant is required to move properties, or conclude services with us, we help with the transition in either circumstance.