FAQs For Professionals
Go through our comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions. For more information contact us by clicking here.
How can I refer a patient?
Please call Doveston Health on (07) 5495 7772 or fax your referral to (07) 5432 4484.
Referrals can also be emailed to admin@dovestonhealth.com.au.
You can also visit Doveston Health Website and head to our forms section and you will find all relevant medical referral forms.
What communication can I expect from practitioners regarding patients?
All of Doveston Health’s practitioners provide efficient and timely communication for all referrals seen, regardless of the patient type (e.g. Private, Veteran Aff airs, Medicare, TPI and WorkCover.)
After a patient’s initial consultation, a report summarising the fi ndings and desired outcomes from the treatment will be written and sent to you as the referring medical practitioner.
A follow up report will also be provided after a review consultation has taken place to ensure the patient is adhering to the prescribed treatment, and you are made aware of the progress made and/or noncompliance shown by the patient. We are also more than happy to call you to discuss the progress of your patients throughout the treatment duration if required
Does Doveston Health treat Worker’s Compensation/WorkCover injuries?
We are highly experienced with treating work related injuries through Worker’s Compensation/WorkCover QLD or NSW. We utilise a Bio-Psychosocial approach with all referrals and ensure that we liaise appropriately with all key stakeholders (e.g. Treating GP or Specialist, Case Manager and Employer) to ensure a suitable return to work time frame is agreed upon.
So that we can seek approval from the insurer to conduct an initial assessment, it is important to also provide us with the following information: Patient case manager name and contact details Valid Claim number and Medical Certifi cate (e.g. S1534343W)
We are authorised under WorkCover QLD, and the Motor Accident’s Insurance Commission (MAIC) QLD
From an injury rehabilitation point of view, a referral to a Physiotherapist would be suitable in the acute stages as it provides more of a passive treatment during the initial stage of the intervention, whereas an Exercise Physiologist treats chronic, longer term conditions in clients and patients.
Podiatrists may be considered in the management team if a WorkCover client has sustained a lower limb/foot injury as a result of a work related incident.
Occupational Therapists would need to be considered if a client’s work capacity has been signifi cantly reduced and requires a modified work plan (Suitable Duties Plan), or potentially a vocational assessment if the patient is unlikely to return to their pre-injury work position.
Psychologists, are crucial in a worker’s return to work particularly if their reported DASS is heightened.